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Ken Zaret | all galleries >> Other Galleries >> Fall Leaf Glow >
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Fall leaf studies
This image is on the cover of February 18, 2009 issue of The EMBO Journal,
a scientific journal about molecular biology:

and of course don't forget this, also in EMBO J.:

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 35mm f/2
1/2500s f/2.2 at 35.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 11-Jan-2017 02:35
Magnificent colorcz
Juan Leon09-Mar-2010 07:47
It´s really a very nice image. Congrats for the cover!
Rugang 05-May-2009 02:30
The detail of this shot is amazing. No wonder why it was chosen as the cover for a issue of EMBO J.
Ken Zaret29-Jan-2008 21:12
Yes and the same goes for the ones taken in Fall '07, in the "Red" gallery.
Markus Grompe29-Jan-2008 19:10
is this the one where you worked on getting the depth of field to become extremely narrow and aligned with the plane of the leaf?
Dennis Camp25-Jan-2008 03:29
All in the collection of leaves looks very nice, but for me this one stands out.
I have one some where of several with back light but not as nice as this works.
Guest 08-Jul-2007 15:05
Very nice shot. Really catches the eye!
Terri Steele06-Jun-2007 17:06
James Clarke26-May-2007 05:01
Red Hot. +V
Sandeep 24-May-2007 01:51
over saturation killed the detail.
Guest 17-May-2007 09:27
Great shot!
pep03-May-2007 20:33
Gorgeous colours. Well done.
Greg Little01-May-2007 08:53
Eye catching. V.
Guest 26-Mar-2007 11:59
I like this color. excellent composition!
Simon Chandler19-Feb-2007 06:33
Very nice. Vibrant color.
VolkerW 24-Jan-2007 10:02
Like this one--nice composition and lovely OOF background
Rene Hales17-Jan-2007 17:57
Great color, composition and dof.--Rene
Greg Little11-Dec-2006 21:40
Wow! Love the DOF and color.
Guest 11-Dec-2006 15:43
Excellent color and focus. Well done.
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