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King's pharmacy in the royal palace, Madrid

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Neil Marcus20-Jun-2016 12:11
Perspective and DOF are excellent. An interesting photo. "V"
cits_4_pets18-Dec-2008 09:27
Great perspective with good DOF, love how it pulls you into the grasses/vases in the top.
Guest 05-Jan-2008 20:54
Fascinating and well done!
Terri Steele08-Jun-2007 18:25
Really wonderful composition and lighting here. Well done!
Aloha Diao Lavina29-Apr-2007 10:17
An interesting image with such a striking composition. The line of light brings the eye in and takes it into the grace and stillness of the historical apothecary. The hint of more shelves in the upper left brings the eye gracefully out of the shot. A gentle photograph, much enjoyed.
Markus Grompe30-Jun-2005 23:08
i've always liked this one....
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