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Ken Zaret | all galleries >> British Isles Galleries >> Basalt Columns of Staffa Island >
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Fingal's Cave
Staffa, Inner Hebrides, Scotland
Shooting notes: To get this shot, I had to lean over the water rushing in and out of the cave with my wife holding me from falling in. She wasn't happy, but I got the shot.

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Markus Grompe01-Oct-2018 03:41
great shot ken.... i'm surprised robin didn't take the opportunity to give you a little shove...
Jim's Atavistic Visions16-Sep-2018 19:33
Nice shooting and one of my favorite overtures of Mendelssohn.
Guest 09-Sep-2018 17:38
This photo is a jewel. That gorgeous water color gets me every time, and against those magical rock formations, it's a winner!
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