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Ken Zaret | all galleries >> Continental Europe Galleries >> Berlin >
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Graffiti in the Scheunenviertel District in Central Berlin
This image won the 548th PBase Show & Tell Competition: Found Art in the City

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LynnH07-Aug-2018 16:48
It's very colorful! V
larose forest photos05-Aug-2018 16:47
Clever and colourful graffiti and a terrific shot of it. V
Stephanie05-Aug-2018 12:19
A fun graffiti discovery!
carol j. phipps05-Aug-2018 03:28
Fine capture.
laine05-Aug-2018 02:46
Fine art /graffiti. I like the low light here. V
cits_4_pets05-Aug-2018 01:48
Nice graffiti shot, good details. v
Markus Grompe05-Aug-2018 01:19
I love the sad Euro hat guy....
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