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Ken Zaret | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nature >
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morning at Maroon Bells, Aspen Colorado
This was taken with substantial up-shift with a tilt-shift lens.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II ,Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L
1/60s f/13.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis24-May-2013 13:34
Marvelous capture, skilfully composed ,with excellent color and light.V
Milan Vogrin31-Dec-2011 22:40
Very nice!
Guest 30-Aug-2011 00:11
This. Seems so peaceful. Not. Breath of air well done c
Bartosz Kotulski08-Aug-2011 09:19
such a wonderful place. like the reflactions and beautiful atmosphere of this place
Tom Briggs07-Aug-2011 13:02
What a fantastic landscape and reflection ... beautifully done ... v
Brad Claypole07-Aug-2011 02:04
Spectacular Landscape BV
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