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Sunset view of Edinburgh from Calton Hill
Technical notes: The dreamlike tones in the image stem from my own preconceptions of what Edinburgh would look like at sunset and, unlike most things in life, reality ultimately matched remarkably well. I researched the position from maps before arriving in the city and walked a few miles to Calton Hill well prior to sunset, to get the best position. But it was too early in the day. So I went down the hill to a pub and bided my time appropriately until it was almost too late. Rushed back up the hill and, thanks to my earlier planning, was able to frame the shot just in time.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/100s f/7.1 at 35.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Karin Doeling06-May-2013 16:04
Gorgeous tones! V
Terry Bowker16-Jul-2012 18:41
Fantastic image!
Marisa Livet26-Jun-2010 14:08
Splendid! Practically a natural duotone, I love the mood and the softeness, together with the technical accuracy
Susan Bostian 05-Sep-2009 06:32
I love this photo and I have always dreamed of visiting Edinburgh. This is quite eerie. But I love the sense of flying over the rooftops of the town. You are an amazing photographer.
endre novak22-Jun-2009 21:49
very nice! V
Tim van Woensel26-Mar-2009 16:47
Stunning cityscape. I love the colors, how did you get them like this? Voted.
Markus Grompe25-Mar-2009 11:17
after look at the whole gallery, this is my favorite. voted.
Markus Grompe25-Mar-2009 11:01
very nice. have you been desaturating your images?
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