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Ken Zaret | all galleries >> U.S.A. galleries >> Colorado in B/W >
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The Grottoes in the Roaring Fork River along Rt. 82

This one made the cover of a journal:

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/125s f/8.0 at 28.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Markus Grompe05-Nov-2009 20:11
congrats on the cover!!!
dond21-Oct-2009 00:36
Co is spectacular...this is a great image...took courage to crop the river in the middle but it works.
Gary Hudes14-Nov-2008 03:48
Awesome mountainscape - superb composition. V.
Guest 28-Aug-2008 07:31
Agreed, this one is very beautiful
Tom Briggs12-Aug-2008 13:50
... Ansel Adams would like this one ... voted
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