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coffre fort23-May-2015 18:05
Great shots!
perte cheveux17-May-2015 12:02
beautiful images, loved the color of the pictures.
huile de ricin14-May-2015 12:51
Vous avez un réel talent, continuez:)
Avoir une belle peau01-May-2015 13:10
Vous êtes incroyable dans vos photos.
Guest 23-Nov-2006 13:30
Thanksgiving morning in NYC, 2006 I'm taking the most amazing virtual journey through Death Valley with a great-looking and adventurous group of boys on my blackberry! Those sloping sand dunes look formidable from here but obviously 'effortlessly' mastered by courageous boy scouts from Troup 90.
Thanks for the campfire-side seat...I could almost taste the grubs and smell the smkoking fire.
Viewed with a stirring pride and sense of hope - Happy Thanksgiving to all your families! Camille
Bill Helf 18-Dec-2005 13:36
I love the Boy Scouts! I was a Boy Scout as a youth. As an adult (?) I served as a Scout Master in three Troops, as an Assistant District Commissioner and in many other capacities, including Weblos Den Leader (my favorite experience). I have a great attraction to deserts and have hundreds and hundreds of photos posted on my Domain at: Death Valley and Mojave Preserve are currently featured. I'm processing and starting to post photos of Virginia City, Silver City and Gold Canyon, Nevada. Photos of Alaska might also be of interest. Long live Scouting!
Kim Swanson18-Feb-2005 05:33
Thanks for your comments...we are all so fortunate to have such a great troop that offers all of us such amazing experiences...I'd never get around to such activities on my own...Troop 90 really does "take you there!".
Cathleen Sweeney 14-Feb-2005 23:13

Dear Dr. Swanson:
We love your photos! They capture treasured moments that could easily be overlooked or forgotten. Your talent behind a camera is a gift to us all and we are so very grateful.

Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus!
Cathleen Sweeney