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Mark Schretlen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Infrared - Beyond Vision tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Infrared - Beyond Vision

Mark Schretlen

These images capture reflected infrared light that is outside the sensitivity of the human eye. Lighter areas in the images reflect the most infrared (foliage, snow) and darker areas reflect almost no infrared (blue sky, asphalt). A Canon D60 (modified by Roger Salmon of the UK) is used for the majority of these images.
I maintain an Infrared Topic here at PBase.

New images are at the beginning of the gallery.
Gallery created March 5, 2006

Backyard IR
Backyard IR
Kinsman Park
Kinsman Park
Rhapsody Pond Willow
Rhapsody Pond Willow
Rhapsody Pond
Rhapsody Pond
The Sails #2
The Sails #2
Near Paul's Tomb
Near Paul's Tomb
Briar Hill
Briar Hill
Canmore Park
Canmore Park
Moonlight Serenade
Moonlight Serenade
Canada Olympic Park
Canada Olympic Park