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koji kawakami | profile | all galleries >> Lenses >> Minolta M/MC/MD Rokkors >> Resolutions of Some ROKKORs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

MD-EOS Flange Installation | MC FISH-EYE ROKKOR 7.5mm F4 | MC FISH-EYE ROKKOR-OK 16mm F2.8 | MD 17mm F4 (Ø72mm) | MD W.ROKKOR 20mm F2.8 (Ø55mm) | MC W.ROKKOR-NL 21mm F2.8 (Ø72mm) | W.ROKKOR-QH 21mm F4 (Ø55mm) | MD W.ROKKOR 24mm F2.8 (Ø55mm) | MD 24mm F2.8 (Ø49mm) | MC W.ROKKOR 28mm F2 (Ø55mm) | MD 28mm F2 (Ø49mm) | MC W.ROKKOR-SI 28mm F2.5 (Ø55mm) | MC W.ROKKOR 28mm F2.8 (Ø55mm) | Minolta M-ROKKOR 28mm F2.8 (M mount) | MD 28mm F2.8 (Ø49mm) | MC W.ROKKOR-SG 28mm F3.5 (Ø55mm) | MD W.ROKKOR 28mm F3.5 (Ø49mm) | MC W.ROKKOR-HH 35mm F1.8 (Ø55mm) | MD W.ROKKOR 35mm F1.8 (Ø49mm) | MC W.ROKKOR-HG 35mm F2.8 (Ø52mm) | MD W.ROKKOR 35mm F2.8 (Ø49mm) | SHIFT CA ROKKOR 35mm F2.8 (Ø55mm) | W.ROKKOR-QE 35mm F4 (Ø55mm) | Minolta M-ROKKOR 40mm F2 (M mount) | MD ROKKOR 45mm F2 (Ø49mm) | MD ROKKOR 50mm F1.2 (Ø55mm) | MC ROKKOR-PG 50mm F1.4 (Ø55mm) | MD ROKKOR 50mm F1.4 (Ø55mm) | MD ROKKOR 50mm F1.4 (Ø49mm) | MC ROKKOR-PF 50mm F1.7 (Ø55mm) | MD ROKKOR 50mm F1.7 (Ø55mm) | MC ROKKOR-PF 50mm F2 (Ø55mm) | MD 50mm F2 (Ø49mm) | Minolta C.E LENS 50mm F2.8 (L mount) | MD MACRO 50mm F3.5 (Ø55mm) | MC ROKKOR-PF 55mm F1.7 (Ø52mm) | AUTO ROKKOR-PF 55mm F1.8 (Ø55mm) | AUTO ROKKOR-PF 55mm F2 (Ø55mm) | MC ROKKOR-PG 58mm F1.2 (Ø55mm) | MC ROKKOR-PG 58mm F1.2 (Ø55mm, EF mount) | MC ROKKOR-PF 58mm F1.4 (Ø55mm, EF mount) | Minolta E.ROKKOR 75mm F4.5 (L mount) | Minolta C.E.ROKKOR 80mm F5.6 (L mount) | MC ROKKOR PF 85mm F1.7 (∅55mm, EF mount) | MD 85mm F2 (Ø49mm) | VARISOFT ROKKOR 85mm F2.8 (Ø55mm) | Minolta M-ROKKOR 90mm F4 (M mount) | MC TELE ROKKOR-PF 100mm F2 (Ø62mm) | MD TELE ROKKOR 100mm F2.5 (Ø55mm) | AUTO TELE ROKKOR-QE 100mm F3.5 (Ø55mm) | MC MACRO ROKKOR-QE 100mm F3.5 (Ø55mm) | AUTO BELLOWS ROKKOR 100mm F4 (Ø55mm) | MD MACRO ROKKOR 100mm F4 (Ø55mm) | AUTO BELLOWS MACRO 100mm F4 (Ø34 & Ø55mm) | MC TELE ROKKOR-PF 135mm F2.8 (Ø55mm) | MD TELE ROKKOR 135mm F2.8 (Ø55mm) | MC TELE ROKKOR-QD 135mm F3.5 (Ø52mm) | MD 135mm F3.5 (Ø49mm) | MD TELE ROKKOR 200mm F2.8 (Ø72mm) | MC TELE ROKKOR 200mm F3.5 (Ø62mm) | MD TELE ROKKOR 200mm F4 (Ø55mm) | MD ZOOM ROKKOR 24-50mm F4 (Ø72mm) | MD ZOOM 28-85mm F3.5-4.5 Macro (Ø55mm) | MD ZOOM 35-70mm F3.5 Macro (Ø55mm) | MD ZOOM 35-105mm F3.5-4.5 Macro (Ø55mm) | MD ZOOM ROKKOR 50-135mm F3.5 (Ø55mm) | MD ZOOM 70-210mm F4 (Ø55mm) | MD ZOOM 75-150mm F4 (Ø49mm) | MC ZOOM ROKKOR 80-200mm F4.5 (Ø55mm) | MD ZOOM ROKKOR 100-200mm F5.6 (Ø55mm) | Resolutions of Some ROKKORs

Resolutions of Some ROKKORs

All these resolution charts were copied from "Asahi-Camera New Face Tests, Trajectory of Minolta"
ISBN-02-272146-4 Publisher ASAHI SHINBUNSHA 2001/12/01 in Japan

The each chart consists of two resolution (lpm) tables, top one at lens' wide open performance and bottom
one at f5.6 or f8 performance. Each of those tables possibly has two 'rows', top one shows the best
at the centre, bottom one shows at when the entire frame's averaged performance is the best.

Each 'row' has two lines, top Rr for sagittal resolution and bottom Rt for tangential resolutions,
and the first is for the centre, next ones are for from centre to corner in mm, then the last one
is their average in the entire frame. If the average of entire frame is over 100, the lens should be
considered a pretty good one when these lpm (lines per milli-meter) was measured before MTFs.
Some of them have only one line, which means there is no difference between the best centre and
the best averaged performance. MC Rokkor 28/2.8 is its typical example, there is no focus shift.

Check Minolta Rokkor's history in here >
If the above link is broken, use this link >
And the comprehensive Minolta lens site >
Also historical data of all Minolta lenses >
Yet another Minolta MC/MD lens tests >
Some reviews of vintage Minolta Rokkors >
Some Rokkor lens tests (toward the end) >
Relatively rare Rokkor lenses in japanese >
Yet another Rokkors and some more site >
The site of the Rokkor's optical schemes >
A good site for Minolta MC/MD Rokkors >
In the above site, lots of lens comparison>
Minolta's brochures and advertisements >
My small collection of minolta booklets >
Including AF Minolta lens data in Italian >
Minolta MC/MD 50mm lens on NEX-5N >
Story of Leitz and Minolta collaboration >
ROKKOR 75/3.5 for Autocord
ROKKOR 75/3.5 for Autocord
MD 28/2.8
MD 28/2.8
MD W.ROKKOR 35/1.8
MD W.ROKKOR 35/1.8
MD W.ROKKOR 35/2.8
MD W.ROKKOR 35/2.8
MD ROKKOR 50/1.4
MD ROKKOR 50/1.4
MD ZOOM ROKKOR 35-70/3.5
MD ZOOM ROKKOR 35-70/3.5
Minolta AF 50/1.4
Minolta AF 50/1.4
Minolta STF 135/2.8[T4.5]
Minolta STF 135/2.8[T4.5]
Minolta AUTO ROKKOR-PF 55/1.8
Minolta AUTO ROKKOR-PF 55/1.8
Minolta AUTO TELE-ROKKOR PG 135/2.8
Minolta AUTO TELE-ROKKOR PG 135/2.8
M-ROKKOR 28/2.8
M-ROKKOR 28/2.8
Minolta AF Zoom 35-70/4
Minolta AF Zoom 35-70/4
Minolta AF ZOOM 35-105/3.5-4.5
Minolta AF ZOOM 35-105/3.5-4.5
Minolta 1979 tests
Minolta 1979 tests
Minolta lens tests
Minolta lens tests
Minolta 1967 tests
Minolta 1967 tests
Minolta 1967 tests
Minolta 1967 tests
Sharpness of some 50mm lenses
Sharpness of some 50mm lenses