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Karl R. Josker | profile | all galleries >> Buffalo >> The Bars Of Buffalo tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Bars Of Buffalo

In the sixties, New York was an 18 year old drinking state, which meant I was sneaking into bars when I was 16, and I was not the exception. Live music was everywhere. I was going with a great girl at the time, I learned a lot from her; we learned a lot together, about life, love, music and ourselves. In places like the Inferno, and other bars long gone. Thanks to her, I learned what kind of person I wanted to be, and as importantly, what kind of person I didn't want to be. Life's lessons learned... in the bars of Buffalo.

The first page shows some of the Buffalo bars that I remember, arranged in no particular order. The pictured bars are listed under the names I knew them as; many of them have changed names, closed, or have been demolished. The second and following pages show other Buffalo bars.
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Frank's Tudor Lounge
Frank's Tudor Lounge
Ulrich's Tavern
Ulrich's Tavern
Central Park Grill
Central Park Grill
Eddie Brady's
Eddie Brady's
Swannie House
Swannie House
Golden Key Tavern
Golden Key Tavern
McCarthy's Restaurant
McCarthy's Restaurant
Essex St. Pub
Essex St. Pub
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