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Miscellaneous Pics

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ham radio Christmas pic.
ham radio Christmas pic.
Lexington Courthouse
Lexington Courthouse
A pretty flower in front of my porch.
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A pretty flower in front of my porch.

This is Blowing Rock NC.
On vacation with Mom,Bill, and niece Hannah.
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This is Blowing Rock NC.
On vacation with Mom,Bill, and niece Hannah.

This picture represents the enjoyment my cousin Reynolds had while listening to my
uncle tell him of a fishing story.

This picture represents the enjoyment my cousin Reynolds had while listening to my
uncle tell him of a fishing story.

High Rock Fireworks.
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High Rock Fireworks.

Duck Pond.

Duck Pond.

On the way to a friends house.
Set my camera on the handlebar of my bike.

On the way to a friends house.
Set my camera on the handlebar of my bike.

A child drinks of a beautiful place
at Hanging Rock. Lower Cascade Falls.

A child drinks of a beautiful place
at Hanging Rock. Lower Cascade Falls.

Sunset at Sunset Beach NC.

Sunset at Sunset Beach NC.

Davidson County Fair.
04-12-2004 043112PM.JPG

Davidson County Fair.

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