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Michael Gehrisch | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds on Business tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds on Business

A shot from the office window, maybe at lunch, and always on the weekend... Photography makes the drudgery of long-haul international travel a little more bearable, and bird photography manages to find a little bit of nature in some pretty unnatural places...
*footnote; this gallery also includes birds shot on vacation around the world (since I always have my Blackberry with me and am therefore on duty... sort of)

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  birds, birds, birds, birds, birds, birds, birds,birds, birds, birds, birds, birds, birds, birds, birds, birds,birds, birds, birds, birds

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San Diego Christmas...
San Diego Christmas...
Burrowing Owl family
Burrowing Owl family
Peregrine Fly-by
Peregrine Fly-by
Peregrine handoff
Peregrine handoff
Loon, Maine
Loon, Maine
Bald Eagle, Alaska
Bald Eagle, Alaska
Atlantic Puffin at rest, Iceland
Atlantic Puffin at rest, Iceland
Tree Swallow, Secaucus
Tree Swallow, Secaucus
Merlin, Jones Beach
Merlin, Jones Beach
Painted Stork, Ranganathittu
Painted Stork, Ranganathittu
Peregrine Falcons mating
Peregrine Falcons mating
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