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The amount of sugar that you eat has a direct relationship to the frequency of yeast infections. Sugar is food for yeast. The more sugar you intake, the more likely you are to have a yeast infection. Limit the amount of sugar in your diet and you will be less likely to have a yeast infection.

If you are breastfeeding and suffering from thrush, a type of yeast infection, make sure to treat both yourself and your baby. If you do not treat both your breasts and your baby's mouth, the yeast will continue to multiply, and you will not find the cure you are looking for.

If you find yourself battling recurring yeast infections, defined as four or more in one year, you need to rethink your diet. Most commonly, recurring yeast infections are caused by diets with lots of sugar and simple carbohydrates. Even lots of complex carbohydrates can exacerbate the situation. Diabetics are at high risk of recurring yeast infections.
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