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Keith Goldstein | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Across The Aisle tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Across The Aisle

While we commute, we are crammed into small containers. Shielding ourselves from closeness with strangers, we enter a private space within ourselves. I try to wait until that moment happens. I never ride the subway to just photograph. These images are made as I commute to and from work, appointments, etc.. I never hide my intention. People look as if they notice, but I am occupying that same internal space that they just entered. Being a voyeur, I am there, ready to greet them.
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Subway Series 8311164_n
Subway Series 8311164_n
Subway Series 5370116_n
Subway Series 5370116_n
Down Beat
Down Beat
On The 1 Train
On The 1 Train
Girl, 1 Train
Girl, 1 Train
Man In Fedora
Man In Fedora
Jeans and Loafers
Jeans and Loafers
Holding On
Holding On
Going Home
Going Home
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