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Kees Stravers | profile | all galleries >> WW2 evenementen >> Liberation Camp 2004 >> Bevrijdingskamp Eindhoven 16 september 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bevrijdingskamp Eindhoven 16 september 2004

De dag voor de schooljeugd. Met een aantal levende dioramas langs een lange kronkelende bosweg werd het leven van de soldaat van toen getoond.
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Required pic of the GMC (with a Sherman tank in the background)
Required pic of the GMC (with a Sherman tank in the background)
The children arriving
The children arriving
One of the big trucks that did a lot of work in the war
One of the big trucks that did a lot of work in the war
A Toolset, a mobile garage to repair trucks
A Toolset, a mobile garage to repair trucks
We have the knowledge, and the spare parts too
"We have the knowledge, and the spare parts too"
The field kitchen
The field kitchen
Something to drink for everyone
Something to drink for everyone
A half-track guarding the road
A half-track guarding the road
The compressor truck
The compressor truck
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