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Guest 30-Aug-2009 01:53
Nice pics!
Tom English
jeff 26-Jul-2009 20:14
RVCA is pronounced Ruca, like girlfriend. They simply replaced the u with the russian letter v.
Bob Pelkey21-Aug-2008 06:51
I appreciate your very high quality work, Dave. Enjoyed my visit here.
Rudes22-May-2008 06:12
Hey dude, greetings from Seffrika (thats South African) and just want to say your surf shots are really hot. Great work. Needle sharp and well presented and aticipated. Rudes
Ned Flanders 05-Oct-2007 19:52
The seal and katydid shots are awesome. You do great work getting the background to work with subject. How did you lite the katydid? I especially appreciate the "Ladies Section" - however we need to see more if you know what I mean.

PS what is the deal with the Atlanta hobags? do you get a lot of groupies shooting at the beach? I'm in the wrong business
Guest 19-Jun-2007 18:07
Your stuff here makes me want to go out and take some pictures right now.
Guest 16-Nov-2006 19:32
Your surfing pictures are really sharp.I see you like F-7.1 ,aperature priority.I happen to use center weight instead of matrix.I'm just learning myself.If you shoot Blackies this winter when it's good, I hope to see you.Then you can give me some pointers.I'm sure you use a good expensive glass.
Lolita Higman 18-Nov-2005 03:41
"Who's your daddy?"
Denice & Kristin HPOA 18-Nov-2005 03:39
We be the Atlanta ho-bags and we is one HPOA (hot piece of ass) We're chillin wit da sisters at The Clairmont on River Ave. You need to be checkin out our asses man--cause we got the junk in the trunk with our lovely lady lumps...uh-huh, uh-huh...