:: The Tongues Have it ::
:: Swans and Geese ::
:: Ducks ::
:: Pelicans and Cormorants ::
:: Grebes and Loons ::
:: Egrets, Herons, Ibises, Spoonbills and Bitterns ::
:: Pheasants, Turkeys, Chachalacas, Chukars and Quail ::
:: Birds of Prey and Owls ::
:: Cranes ::
:: Rails, Coots and Gallinules ::
:: Shorebirds ::
:: Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers ::
:: Pigeons, Doves, Nighthawks, Cuckoos, and Roadrunners ::
:: Woodpeckers ::
:: Flycatchers, Kingbirds, Shrikes, Vireos, and Larks ::
:: Jays, Magpies and Crows ::
:: Swallows ::
:: Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, Creepers, Wrens, and Kinglets ::
:: Bluebirds, Thrushes, Mockingbirds, Thrashers, Pipits, and Waxwings ::
:: Warblers, Cardinals, Pyrrhuloxias and Tanagers ::
:: Sparrows ::
:: Juncos, Towhees, Grosbeaks, Buntings and Dickcissels ::
:: Bobolinks, Meadowlarks, Blackbirds, Orioles ::
:: Finches, Crossbills, Siskins, Goldfinches ::