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Apostolis Kalliakmanis | profile | all galleries >> :: Traveling Around the World :: >> :: Berlin - Germany :: tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

:: Wien - Austria :: | :: Phuket - Thailand :: | :: Thailand :: | :: Frankfurt - Germany :: | :: Mauritius Island :: | :: Prague - Czech Rep.:: | ::Boston, MA - U.S.A.:: | :: Amsterdam :: | :: Budapest :: | :: Berlin - Germany :: | :: London - UK :: | :: Florence - Italy :: | :: Malta :: | :: U.A.E. - Dubai (In Black and White)::

:: Berlin - Germany ::

I had the chance to be in Berlin from 05.04.2007 to 10.04.2007.
And I visited many places of this beautiful city.
Slowly, I am prossessing the photos I've taken from this trip.
So, If you like them and you want to see more Berlin pics, keep visiting this gallery.
Waiting your comments ...And don't forget to vote them.
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Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz
Potsdamer Platz - Berlin Wall
Potsdamer Platz - Berlin Wall
Potsdamer Platz - Berlin Wall
Potsdamer Platz - Berlin Wall
Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz
Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center
Sony Center - Bicycle stand
Sony Center - Bicycle stand
Kemperplatz - Philarmonie
Kemperplatz - Philarmonie
g6/74/226874/3/77503020.nndmEGrJ.jpg g6/74/226874/3/77544331.Rr3jBfq3.jpg New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
New National Gallery
g6/74/226874/3/77996829.RvOu8tWw.jpg g6/74/226874/3/78301625.5QMAPyHj.jpg Behind the Berlin Wall
Behind the Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Topographie des Terrors
Checkpoint Charlie
Checkpoint Charlie
Checkpoint Charlie
Checkpoint Charlie
Checkpoint Charlie
Checkpoint Charlie
Checkpoint Charlie Museum
Checkpoint Charlie Museum
Checkpoint Charlie - The Last U.S.S.R. Flag
Checkpoint Charlie - The Last U.S.S.R. Flag
Checkpoint Charlie
Checkpoint Charlie
g6/74/226874/3/78308366.6uh00JsE.jpg g6/74/226874/3/78308249.ftdoU3ot.jpg Jewish Museum
Jewish Museum
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