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Welcome to the online collections of
Stone Lake Photography.

To view my over 6000 online photos,
click on the gallery thumbnails below.
To open the gallery or enlarge the photo just click it.

Click any photo in the slideshow to see it in full
size; using the back arrow will return you to this page.

“Your images mean more to you than to anybody else.” …Diane Arbus
“Every person behind the camera is really showing themselves.” ... June Leaf

All content is the intellectual property and ©Stonelake Photography 1945 - 2025

:: semidaily ::
the play of surface and depth
:: the play of surface and depth ::
analog painter
:: analog painter ::
:: Mike  ::
:: allusions ::
emotional undercurrents
:: emotional undercurrents ::
:: semi-favorites ::
the banyan tree
:: the banyan tree ::
the rose
:: the rose ::
the bug
:: the bug ::
oh baby
:: oh baby ::
the geometry of everyday life
:: the geometry of everyday life ::
electronic painter
:: electronic painter ::
:: iPhoneographer ::
:: iPad-er ::
phony photo album
:: phony photo album ::
Inspired By
:: Inspired By ::
the alligator tree at bokeelia
:: the alligator tree at bokeelia ::
chrome, tailfins, and classic
:: chrome, tailfins, and classic ::
black and white
:: black and white ::
wedding crasher
:: wedding crasher ::
two of everything
:: two of everything ::
at home in the world
:: at home in the world ::
:: visage ::
views of a world that exists for us only through the viewfinder
:: views of a world that exists for us only through the viewfinder ::
:: genre ::
1971 school bussing protest
:: 1971 school bussing protest ::
my old life in film
:: my old life in film ::
one-eyed cat
:: one-eyed cat ::
just in time for the end of an era; polaroids
:: just in time for the end of an era; polaroids ::
four square
:: four square ::
six by nine
:: six by nine ::
mirrors and windows
:: mirrors and windows ::
here are our symptoms and our monuments
:: here are our symptoms and our monuments ::
:: woodlot ::
the spectacle of consumer culture,
:: the spectacle of consumer culture, ::
road 2007
:: road 2007 ::
everything in instant perspective
:: everything in instant perspective ::
complicated shadows
:: complicated shadows ::
passing illusions of everyday life
:: passing illusions of everyday life ::
ode to luna
:: ode to luna ::
there is only one everglades
:: there is only one everglades ::
age becomes beauty
:: age becomes beauty ::
pictorialism - photography as a medium of self-expression
:: pictorialism - photography as a medium of self-expression ::
:: modernism ::
photoconceptualism; photos reduced to thought illustration
:: photoconceptualism; photos reduced to thought illustration ::
:: famille ::
the colors of my world
:: the colors of my world ::
par nature
:: par nature ::
my photos:  your most favorite
:: my photos: your most favorite ::
my photos: ones I like best
:: my photos: ones I like best ::
the flawed moment
:: the flawed moment ::
K10D and m42 lens tests
:: K10D and m42 lens tests ::
brian's gallery
:: brian's gallery ::
faked film
:: faked film ::
the little cameras
:: the little cameras ::
Hurricane Ian Sept 28, 2022
:: Hurricane Ian Sept 28, 2022 ::