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ode to luna

moon july 19
moon july 19
moon and silos
moon and silos
moon and cranes
moon and cranes
full moon
full moon
moon over the refuge
moon over the refuge
moon through the trees
moon through the trees
moon over blue water
moon over blue water
moon rising
moon rising
treetop moon
treetop moon
out for a moonlight swim
out for a moonlight swim
moon over the tamiami
moon over the tamiami
waxing moon and venus
waxing moon and venus
midnight madness number two
midnight madness number two
midnight madness
midnight madness
moon on the river
moon on the river
hot off the sensor; 25 minutes from raw to post
hot off the sensor; 25 minutes from raw to post
green corn moon emerging from moving clouds
green corn moon emerging from moving clouds
moon over my jammies...
moon over my jammies...
at 6:16 PM
at 6:16 PM
south moon under
south moon under
lantern moon
lantern moon
winking moon
winking moon
hanbury moon
hanbury moon
slipping behind the clouds
slipping behind the clouds