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Jonathan Yarak | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Study Abroad in Beijing, Fall 2005 >> Weekend Trip to Qingdao >> Day 3 - Beaches And The Trip Home tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Train Ride | Lao Shan | Tsingtao Brewery | Day 3 - Beaches And The Trip Home

Day 3 - Beaches And The Trip Home

On Sunday, Masa and I went out to Qingdao's famous beaches with Zheng Long, Liang laoshi and Li Laoshi. The weather had cleared up a lot and it was quite breezy and cool. A great end to a great trip.
Zhan Bridge stretching out into Qingdao bay from No. 6 Bathing Beach.
Zhan Bridge stretching out into Qingdao bay from No. 6 Bathing Beach.
China has very aggressive bees.
China has very aggressive bees.
Our little group walking along the pier toward Huilan pavilion.
Our little group walking along the pier toward Huilan pavilion.
Huilan Pavilion.
Huilan Pavilion.
Speedboating across Qingdao bay.
Speedboating across Qingdao bay.
Liang and Li laoshis being goofy.
Liang and Li laoshis being goofy.
Li laoshi almost falling over on the rocks.
Li laoshi almost falling over on the rocks.
Guy looking for crabs I think.
Guy looking for crabs I think.
Fisherman near Lu Xun Park.
Fisherman near Lu Xun Park.
Statue of Lu Xun, one of China's most famous writers.
Statue of Lu Xun, one of China's most famous writers.
Lu Xun and his buddy Masa.
Lu Xun and his buddy Masa.
Zheng Long on No. 1 Bathing Beach, in front of Huiquan Bay.
Zheng Long on No. 1 Bathing Beach, in front of Huiquan Bay.
Our laoshis got us lost!
Our laoshis got us lost!
May 4th Square (Wu Si Guangchang).
May 4th Square (Wu Si Guangchang).
The cool sculpture in the center of the square.
The cool sculpture in the center of the square.
People hanging out by the water side, this is Fushan bay.
People hanging out by the water side, this is Fushan bay.
Kite flying!
Kite flying!
Masa and me at the waterside, it was very cool and breezy.
Masa and me at the waterside, it was very cool and breezy.
The ridiculously purple Vienna hotel.
The ridiculously purple Vienna hotel.
Wal-Mart has used their Di Guo Zhu Yi (imperialism) tactics to invade China as well.
Wal-Mart has used their Di Guo Zhu Yi (imperialism) tactics to invade China as well.
Tai Dong shopping area.
Tai Dong shopping area.
Scott with a soldier's hat on (he borrowed it).
Scott with a soldier's hat on (he borrowed it).
The group of Chinese people watching all of us CIEE folk.
The group of Chinese people watching all of us CIEE folk.
Camari wanted to get his picture with them.
Camari wanted to get his picture with them.
Masa wanting to sleep as our first train leaves the station.
Masa wanting to sleep as our first train leaves the station.