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Joseph V Higbee | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

I have always been interested in photography, but never before had the time or money to get serious.
I fell in love with computers when they were only science fiction.
I like to wander around, I like the outdoors, I dislike crowds, and now I'm retired.
Put all of that together and it adds up to what you see on these pages.
(Foregoing written in summer of 2003)
Still serious about photography, still love computers.
Still like the outdoors on sunny days, tired of wandering, absolutely hate crowds and even more retired.
Put it all together and the pages come slower than they used to.

Yard Stuff
[ Yard Stuff ]
Birds of the Northwest
[ Birds of the Northwest ]
[ Animals ]
[ Landscape ]
Dragonflies of the Northwest
[ Dragonflies of the Northwest ]
Bugs, Flowers, Berries, Bushes and such stuff
[ Bugs, Flowers, Berries, Bushes and such stuff ]
[ Special ]
Sorted by Date
[ Sorted by Date ]