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Julien Chiang | profile | all galleries >> The Power of Nikon Coolpix 5700 >> Exercise Rainsweep tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Exercise Rainsweep

Duration : 4th July - 11th July 2005
Vessels : RSS Sea Wolf, RSS Brave
Destination : Pattaya
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CWET Candid
CWET Candid
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 1 Sights From Cherry Hotel
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 2 Sights From Ship
Day 3 Morning Candids
Day 3 Morning Candids
Day 3 Morning Candids
Day 3 Morning Candids
Day 3 Morning Candids
Day 3 Morning Candids
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Soccer Friendly Match
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Day 3 Sights Along the Streets
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
Sunset At Sea During Return Leg Home
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