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Johan Toll | all galleries >> Galleries >> Daily Pic Year 1 > Mar 25
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25-MAR-2005 Johan Toll

Mar 25

Today we went on a daytour to a place called Hed. It´s a beautifull church and a nice café nearby,
so when we go to the churs to look after the graves (my whifes grandparents are burried there) we
usually go for a cup of coffe as well. We had very nice wether and you hardly need your coat anymore.
This pic is frome one of the buildings nearby the church.

This is the church:

and in another angle:

here is Jakob with some flowers:

Nikon Coolpix 2100
1/324s f/2.9 at 6.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bill Miller29-Mar-2005 19:27
I love this traditional red paint. I gather it is iron based to preserve the wood ? Neat picture...
Guest 27-Mar-2005 23:43
A very beautiful shot, Johan!
(The others have already said what I have to say)
Guest 26-Mar-2005 08:48
Nice colours, the shadow area is just a bit too dark for my taste
Chris26-Mar-2005 06:07
Great shot. Love the saturated hue.
gary becker26-Mar-2005 03:15
Nice composition. Great color and shadow.
don nieman25-Mar-2005 23:03
This is a very interesting image. Great shadow, nice color and texture.

I like the shots of the church. also. What religion worships there?
Guest 25-Mar-2005 22:38
nice textures and lighting
northstar3725-Mar-2005 22:07
you could hang your coat up on the nail :-)
Sheena Woodhead25-Mar-2005 21:00
Very good detail, excellent capture of lighting and shadow.