Riddle 1 (Ri 1, PN G204.8+02.7) Planetary Nebula in Monoceros. Discovered by Dave Riddle, a member of
the Deep Sky Hunters Collaboration project, and brought to my attention by Sakib Rasool. Taken over
many nights from Jan. 12, 2018 through Feb. 13, 2018. Imaged with Starlight Xpress’ SX-825 camera and
a Celestron EdgeHD 9.25 at f10, on a Losmandy G11/Gemini mount. The H alpha subframes were 20 and 30
minutes binned 1x1 and the Oiii subframes were 30 minutes binned 1x1, while the RGB subframes were 5
minutes binned 1x1, resulting in the following total exposures (HA):(R+Ha):(G+OIII):(B+OIII) (min) =
(770):(50+770):(50+570):(50+570). This image is displayed at 0.57 arc-seconds per pixel. Captured
with Nebulosity, calibrated, sigma combined in Iris with other processing using PixInsight LE and
Photoshop CS. North is up.