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jshuder | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> Sharpless HII Regions > Sharpless 264 (Sh2-264)
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Sharpless 264 (Sh2-264)

Sharpless 2-264 (Sh2-264) HII emission nebula and open cluster Collinder 69 (CR 69) in Orion.
Sharpless 2-263 is also visible at roughly the 4 o’clock position about 2/3 of the way to the
edge. Taken Jan 15 & 17 2008, with a DSI Pro II with an Outback Cooler and a Pentax SMC-M 28mm lens
at f3.5 on an ASGT mount (not guided). H-alpha subframes were 8 min, while the GB sugbframes were
1.5 min. (The B subframes were taken with an Orion Skyglow filter to control star bloat). The
resulting total exposures were Ha:Ha:G:B (min) = 288:288:60:75. Color balance was achieved via
numerically scaled channels. Captured with Envisage, calibrated and sigma combined in Iris with
other processing using FITZ, PixInsight LE and Photoshop CS. North is up.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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