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Theatre Voyons

The Theatre Voyons, owned by J. S. Kittredge, was located at 241 Central St. in Towers Corner across from the B&M Depot from 1908 to 1916. "Voyons" is the French word for "see." It was located in a four story brick building built by the Greenwood Brothers in the 1870s.
According to Americanizing the movies and "movie-mad" audiences, 1910-1914 by Richard Abel, industrial films were prominent in Lowell as were natural history series. Pathe's "famous" Wild Birds in Theit Haunts (in color) was advertised at the Voyons in Lowell. Yet travel films were by far the m ost popular of all. In Lowell, the Voyons gave its audiences views of distant countries from Finland to Indochina, while the Scenic offered nostalgic "tours" of Ireland and Naples Italy.
In 1913, Moving Picture World magazine reported that Mr. W. F. Gilmore, formerly associated with the Theater Voyons, Lowell, Mass. had switched over to Keith's theater.
The site of the Voyons theatre and building is now occupied by Cappy's Copper Kettle at 245 Central and Merrimack Valley Radio WCAP. The current building may be the original with the top two floors removed and a new facade.
Additionally, either next door or upstairs in the same building at 245 Central St. was the Funnyland Theatre which also operated in 1908 and 1909 and was the La Scala Theatre until 1911. ID:32351
Towers Corner
Towers Corner
Closeup of the Voyons
Closeup of the Voyons
Theatre Voyons
Theatre Voyons
Central St.
Central St.
Greenwood Brothers Christmas Card
Greenwood Brothers Christmas Card
The Owl and Voyon's Theater on Central St.
The Owl and Voyon's Theater on Central St.
Cappy's Copper Kettle
Cappy's Copper Kettle
Towers Corner
Towers Corner