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James V. Roy | profile | all galleries >> Merrimack Valley Theaters >> Lawrence Theaters >> The Strand/Astor Theater tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Strand/Astor Theater

The Strand was the second theater built on Theater Row and likely started life as the "Imperial Theater" at 92 Broadway in 1916. The City business directory lists it at 92 S. Broadway that year but at that time ther was little there on the south side of the river and is likely to be an error. The Strand none the less appears in the directories for the first time the following year, 1917, at 92 Broadway. The 800 seat theater operated as the Strand until 1949 and then became the Astor. The Astor operated until 1952. The building is the only one in theater row that is still standing and in the sixties and seventies was occupied by a company called Mill City Supply. Today it is a pawn shop. ID: 19770
The Strand
The Strand
The Strand
The Strand
A snow loader on Broadway across from the Strand
A snow loader on Broadway across from the Strand
The Astor
The Astor
renovations in 1962
renovations in 1962
Louis Pearl's and the remnants of Theater Row
Louis Pearl's and the remnants of Theater Row
The old Strand/Astor Theater
The old Strand/Astor Theater
rear of strand
rear of strand
rear of strand
rear of strand
rear of strand
rear of strand
The old Strand today
The old Strand today