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The Modern Theater

The Modern theater at 98 Broadway was built the same year as the Palace, in 1921, each on either side of the Broadway Theatre. It was the third theater to be built in Theater Row (not counting the Victoria) only months ahead of the Palace. It was built by J.J. Dineen and J.A. Dineen (John and James) who had filed an application for a permit on Aug 9, 1920. At 1070 seats, it operated until 1959 and was one of the last of the buildings in the row to be demolished along with the Broadway.

The Dineens, along with Napolean Demara and John Cuddy, all Lawrence businessmen, would in 1926 also build the Ballroom at the Hampton beach Casino. ID: 19769
The Modern
The Modern
The Modern in the 1920s
The Modern in the 1920s
The Modern in 1949
The Modern in 1949
The Modern in 1979 before demolition
The Modern in 1979 before demolition
The Modern in 1979 before demolition
The Modern in 1979 before demolition