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Jason Purcell | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lunch at The Fat Duck Restaurant > ROAST FOIE GRAS, Almond fluid gel, cherry, and chamomile
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© Jason M. Purcell

ROAST FOIE GRAS, Almond fluid gel, cherry, and chamomile

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Gourmet 16-May-2010 19:24
Great dish. Have it as a main course
Chris 13-Nov-2009 16:31
For those morons that can't appreciate the effort that goes into these dishes, they have invented chip shops and kebab houses! Enjoy them you narrow minded fools!
matt 22-Aug-2009 02:13
why go to these places and take the piss clearly you would be best goin for a kebab as you have no class
steve 01-May-2009 18:05
Waiter! Waiter! Someone left a dirty plate on our table!