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Birds of Michigan, US, Mexico, Canada and Europe
Digiscoped using Zeiss 85T*FL Spotting Scope w/ the following cameras: Nikon CP990, Canon A620 Powershot, Fuji F30, Coolpix P5000, P5100, P6000 and Nikon V1; Nikon D70, Nikon D300 and D300s w/ and Sigma 400mm f5.6 and Nikon 300mm f/2.8 VRII; Species sorted (Taxonomic) according to the 53rd Supplement of the AOU Checklist of North American Birds, Jan. 2013.
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BASF Photo Contest 2019 - Wyandotte/Southfield, MI Sites
:: BASF Photo Contest 2019 - Wyandotte/Southfield, MI Sites ::
Black-bellied Whistling Duck
:: Black-bellied Whistling Duck ::
Fulvous Whistling Duck
:: Fulvous Whistling Duck ::
Graylag Goose
:: Graylag Goose ::
Ross's Goose
:: Ross's Goose ::
:: Brant ::
Cackling Goose
:: Cackling Goose ::
Canada Goose
:: Canada Goose ::
Hawaiian Goose
:: Hawaiian Goose ::
Mute Swan
:: Mute Swan ::
Trumpeter Swan
:: Trumpeter Swan ::
Tundra Swan
:: Tundra Swan ::
:: Muscovy ::
Wood Duck
:: Wood Duck ::
:: Gadwall ::
Mandarin Duck
:: Mandarin Duck ::
American Wigeon
:: American Wigeon ::
American Black Duck
:: American Black Duck ::
:: Mallard ::
Mottled Duck
:: Mottled Duck ::
Blue-winged Teal
:: Blue-winged Teal ::
Cinnamon Teal
:: Cinnamon Teal ::
Northern Shoveler
:: Northern Shoveler ::
White-cheeked Pintail
:: White-cheeked Pintail ::
Northern Pintail
:: Northern Pintail ::
Green-winged Teal
:: Green-winged Teal ::
:: Canvasback ::
:: Redhead ::
Ring-necked Duck
:: Ring-necked Duck ::
Greater Scaup
:: Greater Scaup ::
Lesser Scaup
:: Lesser Scaup ::
Harlequin Duck
:: Harlequin Duck ::
Common Eider
:: Common Eider ::
Surf Scoter
:: Surf Scoter ::
Black Scoter
:: Black Scoter ::
Long-tailed Duck
:: Long-tailed Duck ::
:: Bufflehead ::
Common Goldeneye
:: Common Goldeneye ::
Hooded Merganser
:: Hooded Merganser ::
Common Merganser
:: Common Merganser ::
Red-breasted Merganser
:: Red-breasted Merganser ::
Ruddy Duck
:: Ruddy Duck ::
:: Chukar ::
Common Jungle Fowl
:: Common Jungle Fowl ::
Red Junglefowl
:: Red Junglefowl ::
Ring-necked Pheasant
:: Ring-necked Pheasant ::
Gambel's Quail
:: Gambel's Quail ::
Ruffed Grouse
:: Ruffed Grouse ::
Sharp-tailed Grouse
:: Sharp-tailed Grouse ::
Wild Turkey
:: Wild Turkey ::
California Quail
:: California Quail ::
Pacific Loon
:: Pacific Loon ::
Common Loon
:: Common Loon ::
Pied-billed Grebe
:: Pied-billed Grebe ::
Horned Grebe
:: Horned Grebe ::
Red-necked Grebe
:: Red-necked Grebe ::
Little Grebe
:: Little Grebe ::
Black-footed Albatross
:: Black-footed Albatross ::
:: Fulmar ::
Pink-footed Shearwater
:: Pink-footed Shearwater ::
Sooty Shearwater
:: Sooty Shearwater ::
Wood Stork
:: Wood Stork ::
Magnificent Frigatebird
:: Magnificent Frigatebird ::
Masked Booby
:: Masked Booby ::
Blue-footed Booby
:: Blue-footed Booby ::
Brown Booby
:: Brown Booby ::
:: Gannet ::
Northern Gannet
:: Northern Gannet ::
Brandt's Cormorant
:: Brandt's Cormorant ::
Neotropic Cormorant
:: Neotropic Cormorant ::
Double-crested Cormorant
:: Double-crested Cormorant ::
:: Cormorant ::
:: Anhinga ::
American White Pelican
:: American White Pelican ::
Brown Pelican
:: Brown Pelican ::
American Bittern
:: American Bittern ::
Least Bittern
:: Least Bittern ::
Great Blue Heron
:: Great Blue Heron ::
Grey Heron
:: Grey Heron ::
Great Egret
:: Great Egret ::
Little Egret
:: Little Egret ::
Snowy Egret
:: Snowy Egret ::
Little Blue Heron
:: Little Blue Heron ::
Tricolored Heron
:: Tricolored Heron ::
Reddish Egret
:: Reddish Egret ::
Cattle Egret
:: Cattle Egret ::
Green Heron
:: Green Heron ::
Black-crowned Night Heron
:: Black-crowned Night Heron ::
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
:: Yellow-crowned Night Heron ::
White Ibis
:: White Ibis ::
Scarlet Ibis
:: Scarlet Ibis ::
Glossy Ibis
:: Glossy Ibis ::
White-faced Ibis
:: White-faced Ibis ::
Roseate Spoonbill
:: Roseate Spoonbill ::
Black Vulture
:: Black Vulture ::
Turkey Vulture
:: Turkey Vulture ::
:: Osprey ::
Bald Eagle
:: Bald Eagle ::
Northern Harrier
:: Northern Harrier ::
Sharp-shinned Hawk
:: Sharp-shinned Hawk ::
Cooper's Hawk
:: Cooper's Hawk ::
Northern Goshawk
:: Northern Goshawk ::
Red-shouldered Hawk
:: Red-shouldered Hawk ::
Broad-winged Hawk
:: Broad-winged Hawk ::
Short-tailed Hawk
:: Short-tailed Hawk ::
Swainson's Hawk
:: Swainson's Hawk ::
Red-tailed Hawk
:: Red-tailed Hawk ::
Rough-legged Hawk
:: Rough-legged Hawk ::
Golden Eagle
:: Golden Eagle ::
King Rail
:: King Rail ::
Virginia Rail
:: Virginia Rail ::
:: Sora ::
Hawaiian Moorhen
:: Hawaiian Moorhen ::
Eurasian Moorhen
:: Eurasian Moorhen ::
Common Gallinule
:: Common Gallinule ::
Eurasian Coot
:: Eurasian Coot ::
Hawaiian Coot
:: Hawaiian Coot ::
American Coot
:: American Coot ::
Caribbean Coot
:: Caribbean Coot ::
:: Limpkin ::
Sandhill Crane
:: Sandhill Crane ::
Black-bellied Plover
:: Black-bellied Plover ::
American Golden-Plover
:: American Golden-Plover ::
Pacific Golden-Plover
:: Pacific Golden-Plover ::
Snowy Plover
:: Snowy Plover ::
Wilson's Plover
:: Wilson's Plover ::
Semipalmated Plover
:: Semipalmated Plover ::
Piping Plover
:: Piping Plover ::
:: Killdeer ::
American Oystercatcher
:: American Oystercatcher ::
Hawaiian Stilt
:: Hawaiian Stilt ::
Black-necked Stilt
:: Black-necked Stilt ::
American Avocet
:: American Avocet ::
Spotted Sandpiper
:: Spotted Sandpiper ::
Solitary Sandpiper
:: Solitary Sandpiper ::
Wandering Tattler
:: Wandering Tattler ::
Greater Yellowlegs
:: Greater Yellowlegs ::
:: Willet ::
Lesser Yellowlegs
:: Lesser Yellowlegs ::
Upland Sandpiper
:: Upland Sandpiper ::
:: Whimbrel ::
Long-billed Curlew
:: Long-billed Curlew ::
Hudsonian Godwit
:: Hudsonian Godwit ::
Marbled Godwit
:: Marbled Godwit ::
Ruddy Turnstone
:: Ruddy Turnstone ::
Red Knot
:: Red Knot ::
:: Sanderling ::
Semipalmated Sandpiper
:: Semipalmated Sandpiper ::
Western Sandpiper
:: Western Sandpiper ::
Least Sandpiper
:: Least Sandpiper ::
White-rumped Sandpiper
:: White-rumped Sandpiper ::
Baird's Sandpiper
:: Baird's Sandpiper ::
Pectoral Sandpiper
:: Pectoral Sandpiper ::
:: Dunlin ::
Curlew Sandpiper
:: Curlew Sandpiper ::
Stilt Sandpiper
:: Stilt Sandpiper ::
Buff-Breasted Sandpiper
:: Buff-Breasted Sandpiper ::
:: Ruff ::
Short-billed Dowitcher
:: Short-billed Dowitcher ::
Long-billed Dowitcher
:: Long-billed Dowitcher ::
Wilson's Snipe
:: Wilson's Snipe ::
Wilson's Phalarope
:: Wilson's Phalarope ::
Red-necked Phalarope
:: Red-necked Phalarope ::
Black-legged Kittiwake
:: Black-legged Kittiwake ::
Bonaparte's Gull
:: Bonaparte's Gull ::
Black-headed Gull
:: Black-headed Gull ::
Little Gull
:: Little Gull ::
Laughing Gull
:: Laughing Gull ::
Heerman's Gull
:: Heerman's Gull ::
Common Gull
:: Common Gull ::
Ring-billed Gull
:: Ring-billed Gull ::
Western Gull
:: Western Gull ::
California Gull
:: California Gull ::
Herring Gull
:: Herring Gull ::
European Herring Gull
:: European Herring Gull ::
Iceland Gull
:: Iceland Gull ::
Lesser Black-backed Gull
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull ::
Glaucous-winged Gull
:: Glaucous-winged Gull ::
Glaucous Gull
:: Glaucous Gull ::
Great Black-backed Gull
:: Great Black-backed Gull ::
Brown Noddy
:: Brown Noddy ::
Caspian Tern
:: Caspian Tern ::
Black Tern
:: Black Tern ::
Common Tern
:: Common Tern ::
Arctic Tern
:: Arctic Tern ::
Forster's Tern
:: Forster's Tern ::
Royal Tern
:: Royal Tern ::
Sandwich Tern
:: Sandwich Tern ::
Black Skimmer
:: Black Skimmer ::
Pomarine Jaeger
:: Pomarine Jaeger ::
Parasitic Jaeger
:: Parasitic Jaeger ::
Pigeon Guillemot
:: Pigeon Guillemot ::
Rock Pigeon
:: Rock Pigeon ::
Eurasian Collard Dove
:: Eurasian Collard Dove ::
Spotted Dove
:: Spotted Dove ::
Zebra Dove
:: Zebra Dove ::
White-winged Dove
:: White-winged Dove ::
Zenaida Dove
:: Zenaida Dove ::
Mourning Dove
:: Mourning Dove ::
:: WoodPigeon ::
Common Ground-Dove
:: Common Ground-Dove ::
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove
:: Plain-breasted Ground-Dove ::
African Grey Parrot
:: African Grey Parrot ::
Black-billed Cuckoo
:: Black-billed Cuckoo ::
Smooth-billed Ani
:: Smooth-billed Ani ::
Eastern Screech-Owl
:: Eastern Screech-Owl ::
Great Horned Owl
:: Great Horned Owl ::
Snowy Owl
:: Snowy Owl ::
Northern Hawk Owl
:: Northern Hawk Owl ::
Burrowing Owl
:: Burrowing Owl ::
Great Gray Owl
:: Great Gray Owl ::
Long-eared Owl
:: Long-eared Owl ::
Short-eared Owl
:: Short-eared Owl ::
Northern Saw-whet Owl
:: Northern Saw-whet Owl ::
Common Nighthawk
:: Common Nighthawk ::
Eastern Whip-poor-will
:: Eastern Whip-poor-will ::
Vaux's Swift
:: Vaux's Swift ::
Green-throated Carib
:: Green-throated Carib ::
Bahama Woodstar
:: Bahama Woodstar ::
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
:: Ruby-throated Hummingbird ::
Anna's Hummingbird
:: Anna's Hummingbird ::
Rufous Hummingbird
:: Rufous Hummingbird ::
Broad-billed Hummingbird
:: Broad-billed Hummingbird ::
Belted Kingfisher
:: Belted Kingfisher ::
Red-headed Woodpecker
:: Red-headed Woodpecker ::
Gila Woodpecker
:: Gila Woodpecker ::
Red-bellied Woodpecker
:: Red-bellied Woodpecker ::
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
:: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ::
Red-breasted Sapsucker
:: Red-breasted Sapsucker ::
Downy Woodpecker
:: Downy Woodpecker ::
Hairy Woodpecker
:: Hairy Woodpecker ::
Red-shafted Flicker
:: Red-shafted Flicker ::
Northern Flicker
:: Northern Flicker ::
Pileated Woodpecker
:: Pileated Woodpecker ::
Crested Caracara
:: Crested Caracara ::
American Kestrel
:: American Kestrel ::
:: Merlin ::
:: Gyrfalcon ::
Peregrin Falcon
:: Peregrin Falcon ::
Prairie Falcon
:: Prairie Falcon ::
Monk Parakeet
:: Monk Parakeet ::
Nanday Parakeet
:: Nanday Parakeet ::
Olive-sided Flycatcher
:: Olive-sided Flycatcher ::
Eastern Wood-Pewee
:: Eastern Wood-Pewee ::
Cuban Pewee
:: Cuban Pewee ::
Alder Flycatcher
:: Alder Flycatcher ::
Willow Flycatcher
:: Willow Flycatcher ::
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
:: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ::
Least Flycatcher
:: Least Flycatcher ::
Eastern Phoebe
:: Eastern Phoebe ::
Great Crested Flycatcher
:: Great Crested Flycatcher ::
La Sagra's Flycatcher
:: La Sagra's Flycatcher ::
Lesser Antillean Flycatcher
:: Lesser Antillean Flycatcher ::
Great Kiskadee
:: Great Kiskadee ::
Tropical Kingbird
:: Tropical Kingbird ::
Western Kingbird
:: Western Kingbird ::
Eastern Kingbird
:: Eastern Kingbird ::
Gray Kingbird
:: Gray Kingbird ::
Loggherhead Kingbird
:: Loggherhead Kingbird ::
Loggerhead Shrike
:: Loggerhead Shrike ::
Northern Shrike
:: Northern Shrike ::
Thick-billed Vireo
:: Thick-billed Vireo ::
Blue-headed Vireo
:: Blue-headed Vireo ::
Warbling Vireo
:: Warbling Vireo ::
Red-eyed Vireo
:: Red-eyed Vireo ::
Gray Jay
:: Gray Jay ::
:: Magpie ::
Steller's Jay
:: Steller's Jay ::
Blue Jay
:: Blue Jay ::
Western Scrub-Jay
:: Western Scrub-Jay ::
:: Jackdaw ::
:: Rook ::
American Crow
:: American Crow ::
Fish Crow
:: Fish Crow ::
Hooded Crow
:: Hooded Crow ::
Common Raven
:: Common Raven ::
Horned Lark
:: Horned Lark ::
Purple Martin
:: Purple Martin ::
Gray-breasted Martin
:: Gray-breasted Martin ::
Tree Swallow
:: Tree Swallow ::
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
:: Northern Rough-winged Swallow ::
Bank Swallow
:: Bank Swallow ::
Cliff Swallow
:: Cliff Swallow ::
Barn Swallow
:: Barn Swallow ::
European Swallow
:: European Swallow ::
Black-capped Chickadee
:: Black-capped Chickadee ::
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
:: Chestnut-backed Chickadee ::
Tufted Titmouse
:: Tufted Titmouse ::
:: Bushtit ::
Red-breasted Nuthatch
:: Red-breasted Nuthatch ::
Blue Tit
:: Blue Tit ::
White-breasted Nuthatch
:: White-breasted Nuthatch ::
Coal Tit
:: Coal Tit ::
Brown-headed Nuthatch
:: Brown-headed Nuthatch ::
Brown Creeper
:: Brown Creeper ::
House Wren
:: House Wren ::
Winter Wren
:: Winter Wren ::
Sedge Wren
:: Sedge Wren ::
Marsh Wren
:: Marsh Wren ::
Carolina Wren
:: Carolina Wren ::
Bewick's Wren
:: Bewick's Wren ::
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
:: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ::
Red-vented Bulbul
:: Red-vented Bulbul ::
Golden-crowned Kinglet
:: Golden-crowned Kinglet ::
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
:: Ruby-crowned Kinglet ::
Willow Warbler
:: Willow Warbler ::
Japanese White-eye
:: Japanese White-eye ::
White-rumped Shama
:: White-rumped Shama ::
Eastern Bluebird
:: Eastern Bluebird ::
Western Bluebird
:: Western Bluebird ::
Townsend's Solitaire
:: Townsend's Solitaire ::
:: Veery ::
Gray-cheeked Thrush
:: Gray-cheeked Thrush ::
Swainson's Thrush
:: Swainson's Thrush ::
Hermit Thrush
:: Hermit Thrush ::
Wood Thrush
:: Wood Thrush ::
American Robin
:: American Robin ::
Gray Catbird
:: Gray Catbird ::
:: Robin ::
Northern Mockingbird
:: Northern Mockingbird ::
Brown Thrasher
:: Brown Thrasher ::
Pearly-eyed Thrasher
:: Pearly-eyed Thrasher ::
Brown Trembler
:: Brown Trembler ::
European Starling
:: European Starling ::
Common Myna
:: Common Myna ::
Grey Wagtail
:: Grey Wagtail ::
White Wagtail
:: White Wagtail ::
Pied Wagtail
:: Pied Wagtail ::
American Pipit
:: American Pipit ::
Meadow Pipit
:: Meadow Pipit ::
Bohemian Waxwing
:: Bohemian Waxwing ::
Cedar Waxwing
:: Cedar Waxwing ::
Chestnut-collared Longspur
:: Chestnut-collared Longspur ::
McGown's Longspur
:: McGown's Longspur ::
Snow Bunting
:: Snow Bunting ::
:: Ovenbird ::
Northern Waterthrush
:: Northern Waterthrush ::
Golden-winged Warbler
:: Golden-winged Warbler ::
Blue-winged Warbler
:: Blue-winged Warbler ::
Black-and-White Warbler
:: Black-and-White Warbler ::
Prothonotary Warbler
:: Prothonotary Warbler ::
Tenessee Warbler
:: Tenessee Warbler ::
Orange-crowned Warbler
:: Orange-crowned Warbler ::
Nashville Warbler
:: Nashville Warbler ::
Mourning Warbler
:: Mourning Warbler ::
Common Yellowthroat
:: Common Yellowthroat ::
American Redstart
:: American Redstart ::
Cape May Warbler
:: Cape May Warbler ::
Northern Parula
:: Northern Parula ::
Magnolia Warbler
:: Magnolia Warbler ::
Bay-breasted Warbler
:: Bay-breasted Warbler ::
Blackburnian Warbler
:: Blackburnian Warbler ::
Yellow Warbler
:: Yellow Warbler ::
Chestnut-sided Warbler
:: Chestnut-sided Warbler ::
Blackpoll Warbler
:: Blackpoll Warbler ::
Black-throated Blue Warbler
:: Black-throated Blue Warbler ::
Palm Warbler
:: Palm Warbler ::
Pine Warbler
:: Pine Warbler ::
Yellow-rumped Warbler
:: Yellow-rumped Warbler ::
Yellow-throated Warbler
:: Yellow-throated Warbler ::
Prairie Warbler
:: Prairie Warbler ::
Black-throated Green Warbler
:: Black-throated Green Warbler ::
Canada Warbler
:: Canada Warbler ::
Wilson's Warbler
:: Wilson's Warbler ::
:: Bananaquit ::
Red-crested Cardinal
:: Red-crested Cardinal ::
Yellow-billed Cardinal
:: Yellow-billed Cardinal ::
Western Spindalis
:: Western Spindalis ::
White-collared Seedeater
:: White-collared Seedeater ::
Black-faced Grassquit
:: Black-faced Grassquit ::
Saffron Finch
:: Saffron Finch ::
Spotted Towhee
:: Spotted Towhee ::
Eastern Towhee
:: Eastern Towhee ::
Canyon Towhee
:: Canyon Towhee ::
American Tree Sparrow
:: American Tree Sparrow ::
Chipping Sparrow
:: Chipping Sparrow ::
Clay-colored Sparrow
:: Clay-colored Sparrow ::
Field Sparrow
:: Field Sparrow ::
Vesper Sparrow
:: Vesper Sparrow ::
Lark Sparrow
:: Lark Sparrow ::
Lark Bunting
:: Lark Bunting ::
Savannah Sparrow
:: Savannah Sparrow ::
Grasshopper Sparrow
:: Grasshopper Sparrow ::
Fox Sparrow
:: Fox Sparrow ::
Song Sparrow
:: Song Sparrow ::
Lincoln's Sparrow
:: Lincoln's Sparrow ::
Swamp Sparrow
:: Swamp Sparrow ::
White-throated Sparrow
:: White-throated Sparrow ::
White-crowned Sparrow
:: White-crowned Sparrow ::
Golden-crowned Sparrow
:: Golden-crowned Sparrow ::
Dark-eyed Junco
:: Dark-eyed Junco ::
Summer Tanager
:: Summer Tanager ::
Scarlet Tanager
:: Scarlet Tanager ::
Western Tanager
:: Western Tanager ::
Northern Cardinal
:: Northern Cardinal ::
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
:: Rose-breasted Grosbeak ::
Blue Grosbeak
:: Blue Grosbeak ::
Lazuli Bunting
:: Lazuli Bunting ::
Indigo Bunting
:: Indigo Bunting ::
:: Dickcissel ::
:: Bobolink ::
Red-winged Blackbird
:: Red-winged Blackbird ::
Eastern Meadowlark
:: Eastern Meadowlark ::
Western Meadowlark
:: Western Meadowlark ::
Yellow-headed Blackbird
:: Yellow-headed Blackbird ::
Rusty Blackbird
:: Rusty Blackbird ::
Common Grackle
:: Common Grackle ::
Boat-tailed Grackle
:: Boat-tailed Grackle ::
Great-tailed Grackle
:: Great-tailed Grackle ::
Carib Grackle
:: Carib Grackle ::
Brown-headed Cowbird
:: Brown-headed Cowbird ::
Orchard Oriole
:: Orchard Oriole ::
Hooded Oriole
:: Hooded Oriole ::
Baltimore Oriole
:: Baltimore Oriole ::
Yellow-winged Cacique
:: Yellow-winged Cacique ::
:: Chaffinch ::
Pine Grosbeak
:: Pine Grosbeak ::
Purple Finch
:: Purple Finch ::
House Finch
:: House Finch ::
Red Crossbill
:: Red Crossbill ::
White-winged Crossbill
:: White-winged Crossbill ::
Common Redpoll
:: Common Redpoll ::
Pine Siskin
:: Pine Siskin ::
Lesser Goldfinch
:: Lesser Goldfinch ::
American Goldfinch
:: American Goldfinch ::
European Goldfinch
:: European Goldfinch ::
Yellow-fronted Canary
:: Yellow-fronted Canary ::
Hawaii Amakihi
:: Hawaii Amakihi ::
House Sparrow
:: House Sparrow ::
Common Waxbill
:: Common Waxbill ::
Java Sparrow
:: Java Sparrow ::
:: Flowers ::
:: Insects ::
:: Amphibians ::
:: Turtles ::
:: Snakes ::
:: Lizards ::
:: Mammals ::
:: Technical ::
2009 pics on blog
:: 2009 pics on blog ::
Digiscoped 2011
:: Digiscoped 2011 ::
Kenya 2013
:: Kenya 2013 ::
England 2013 - 08-12Aug2013
:: England 2013 - 08-12Aug2013 ::
Digiscoping 2012
:: Digiscoping 2012 ::
2013 Digiscoping Gallery
:: 2013 Digiscoping Gallery ::
Best of 2014 Digiscoping
:: Best of 2014 Digiscoping ::
2015 Digiscoping
:: 2015 Digiscoping ::
2016 Digiscoping
:: 2016 Digiscoping ::
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