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Time Square HK

This is a scaled replica of the statue used in Tiananmen Sq 1989
This is a scaled replica of the statue used in Tiananmen Sq 1989
The officer in charge was making a statement.
The officer in charge was making a statement.
Removal of the statue
Removal of the statue
Some protesters are trying to stop the police
Some protesters are trying to stop the police
...but they were not sucessful. Notice most people were just bystanders.
...but they were not sucessful. Notice most people were just bystanders.
The statue was quickly put on a tow truck and covered.
The statue was quickly put on a tow truck and covered.
Some protesters were trying to form a human barricade.
Some protesters were trying to form a human barricade.
The bystanders were actually standing on the street, blocking all traffic.
The bystanders were actually standing on the street, blocking all traffic.
The police started to remove the protesters.
The police started to remove the protesters.
While this was happening the truck was quietly backing up and leaving the scene.
While this was happening the truck was quietly backing up and leaving the scene.
Some protesters were carried away but it was later learned that they were not arrested.
Some protesters were carried away but it was later learned that they were not arrested.
The next night. They gathered again at the same spot, with a girl posing as the statue.
The next night. They gathered again at the same spot, with a girl posing as the statue.