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Wilson Family Photos

This page is dedicated to the memory of the late Albert Spruce Wilson
who crossed over to the Other Side on Saturday, April 9, 2005.

Albert was a Kwakiutl who will be missed by all who crossed his path.

The page is also dedicated to his remaining - and wonderfully huge - family.
Albert Wilson Delivering a Prayer
Albert Wilson Delivering a Prayer
Annie, Bernice and Rupert
Annie, Bernice and Rupert
Annie Wilson
Annie Wilson
Annie and Bernice
Annie and Bernice
Bernice, Nick, Frances, Matthew and Karen
Bernice, Nick, Frances, Matthew and Karen
Bernice and Copper
Bernice and Copper
Nick, Frances and Matthew
Nick, Frances and Matthew
Rupert and Fred
Rupert and Fred
Lily Bell
Lily Bell
Maxine Bruce, Albert Wilson and Ernie Humchitt
Maxine Bruce, Albert Wilson and Ernie Humchitt
Opening of Health Center
Opening of Health Center
Robert Wilson
Robert Wilson
The Ladies
The Ladies
Whale Carving
Whale Carving
Heading Home
Heading Home
Alberts grave..
Alberts grave..