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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> PAD PROJECTS >> SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2018 - SCAVENGER HUNT > Flowing Music
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22-SEP-2018 Jola Dziubinska

Flowing Music

Warsaw, Poland

My son Tomek won the first prize at the Fourth Warsaw Fingerstyle Festival tonight! I am very happy :)

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MarcViskens05-Oct-2018 18:59
very pretty shot
well done for your son
LynnH24-Sep-2018 02:23
A wonderful talent! I understand your pride!VV
Mieke WA Minkjan23-Sep-2018 17:54
beautiful photo of Tomek and great he one the first prize V
carol j. phipps23-Sep-2018 04:36
That's wonderful, Jola. Hurray! Well done! Congratulations to Tomek. V
Helen Betts23-Sep-2018 00:48
Congratulations to Tomek! V.
Walter Otto Koenig23-Sep-2018 00:31
Congratulations! What a wonderful photo of him playing. I have heard him play on a youtube video and he is truly a gifted artist. You and Tomasz must be so proud. "V"
larose forest photos23-Sep-2018 00:04
Wow, congratulations! That is great news. He is clearly an accomplished musician. Good photo too! V
Steven Jusczyk22-Sep-2018 23:34
Excellent! You and Tomasz must be very proud!
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