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Jojie Alcantara | all galleries >> MY PHILIPPINES >> MY SALUTE TO NATURE >> Nature Gallery 1 > Sanctuary
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01-NOV-2011 © Jojie F. Alcantara


Davao City, Philippines

"The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity... and some scarcely see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself." ~William Blake

Photography during sunrise and in various times of the day I frequented this place

Canon EOS 7D
20s f/22.0 at 10.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
zonedout15-Sep-2012 12:59
Pure beauty, Jojie! V V ...z
Jojie Alcantara10-Sep-2012 18:10
Thank you all for the nice comments. :-)
Bernard Bosmans27-Jun-2012 10:23
Katingalahan. I could sit there and soak it all in, this is so beautiful, thanks for sharing Jojie. BV.
Walter Otto Koenig28-May-2012 20:45
A beautiful image with this lighting and colors. The exposure could not be better. "V"
Terry Bowker01-May-2012 13:20
Gorgeous image, great composition!
alejandro clado 21-Mar-2012 16:54
the power of natures helps lonely peoples, to think that god is always in our side and also to make us hopefull in every moment of our life situations specially on the midst of trials and challenges.
Jojie Alcantara03-Nov-2011 20:59
Thank you!
goelsamuel03-Nov-2011 20:11
Gorgeous image! V!
Guest 03-Nov-2011 19:57
Wonderful composition and exquisite tones.
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