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JW | all galleries >> 2004_to_2023 >> Galleries By Subject >> Places > La Ronde
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La Ronde

Exeter, Devon

Victorian Eccentricity!

FujiFilm FinePix E900 Zoom
1/480s f/4.5 at 7.2mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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royalld21-Jul-2006 04:14
Now there is a place with a lot of character.
Herb 21-Jul-2006 02:46
Nice image
Guest 21-Jul-2006 01:23
I'll have a set of windows just like it please John - when can you deliver?!
Sheila21-Jul-2006 00:56
Oh, I love this! What a great find. Would love to look inside.
Very interesting shot!
s_barbour21-Jul-2006 00:26
Fabulous find John, what an interesting building with great color!
joanteno21-Jul-2006 00:04
Great find.. very nice.
Robin Reid20-Jul-2006 22:02
That is an incredible building. Great catch.
Carole Stevens20-Jul-2006 20:35
I love it John what a great find!
Scott Browne20-Jul-2006 19:06
I like it!
northstar3720-Jul-2006 19:01
it looks like John Mcrirrick in the thumbnail
J. Scott Coile20-Jul-2006 18:29
Interesting architectural detail in this one John!
nordic20-Jul-2006 17:42
Did you make the windows John - bit tricky those diamonds!!
Nice shot Sue...
Lee Rudd20-Jul-2006 16:41
a happy house!