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John Louis Lassen Perry | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bandphotos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


This is selection of photos of Musicians I have taken, I shoot mostly live music photos, and have shot for press kits, magazines and publicity. I always prefer to shoot in existing light, and if possible, from an angle that the audience can see, though not usually from the audience itself. This helps to get a shot that gives the audience a view that they might not have had, but which they could have seen. I shoot mostly digital these days with a Canon 5d, though I still like to shoot film, especially black and white, since this produces an effect you can't really get any other way. I personally like many types of music, having shot Warren Haynes, Chris Barron from the Spin Doctors, The Grateful Dead, Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown, and WuTang Clan, and many others, both well known, and less well known, from Classical to Jazz to Punk, and like to shoot just about all of them.
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The Kegels, LiPo's SF, CA 1740.JPG
The Kegels, LiPo's SF, CA 1740.JPG
The Kegels, LiPo's SF CA 1672.JPG
The Kegels, LiPo's SF CA 1672.JPG
Preservation Hall Jazz Band 1
Preservation Hall Jazz Band 1
Preservation Hall Jazz Band 2
Preservation Hall Jazz Band 2
Graciela Beltran, Mountain View, CA 3758 web.jpg
Graciela Beltran, Mountain View, CA 3758 web.jpg
Irma Thomas 2
Irma Thomas 2
Irma Thomas 11a. jpeg
Irma Thomas 11a. jpeg
Irma Thomas 1
Irma Thomas 1
WuTang  Clan 2390
WuTang Clan 2390
WuTang Clan 2345
WuTang Clan 2345
Daniel Ferrari @ Cafe Arabica #1
Daniel Ferrari @ Cafe Arabica #1
Daniel Ferrari @ Cafe Arabica #2
Daniel Ferrari @ Cafe Arabica #2
Jorma Web Imagejpg
Jorma Web Imagejpg
Speed McQueenContinental 1
Speed McQueenContinental 1
Speed McQueen3NYC
Speed McQueen3NYC
Speed McQueen 2
Speed McQueen 2
Speed McQueen 4
Speed McQueen 4
Som County Fairgrounds
Som County Fairgrounds
_MG_6274 copy.jpg
_MG_6274 copy.jpg
Phish Photo
Phish Photo
Beaches 1493 Web.JPG
Beaches 1493 Web.JPG
Beaches 1513 Web.JPG
Beaches 1513 Web.JPG
Punks 1 NYC
Punks 1 NYC
Punks 2 NYC
Punks 2 NYC
_MG_6083 copy.jpg
_MG_6083 copy.jpg
Gatemouth Brown 2
Gatemouth Brown 2
Gatemouth Brown 1
Gatemouth Brown 1
Jerry Garcia 4
Jerry Garcia 4
Jerry Garcia 2
Jerry Garcia 2
Jerry Garcia 1
Jerry Garcia 1
Bobby and Bill Ice JPEG DL
Bobby and Bill Ice JPEG DL
BeckAmsterdam Milkweg
BeckAmsterdam Milkweg
Luther Tucker and Jill Baxter San Rafael CA
Luther Tucker and Jill Baxter San Rafael CA
D- 5
D- 5
D- 4 NYC
D- 4 NYC
D- 2 NYC
D- 2 NYC
D- 3
D- 3
D- NYC .jpg
D- NYC .jpg
DRUGS KirstenSandy.jpeg
DRUGS KirstenSandy.jpeg
_MG_6295 copy.jpg
_MG_6295 copy.jpg
Jono Manson et al NYC
Jono Manson et al NYC
Jono Manson Chris Barron
Jono Manson Chris Barron
Jono Manson Warren Haynes
Jono Manson Warren Haynes
Jim  BW Web.jpg
Jim BW Web.jpg
Moomaw Smileys 1439 Web.JPG
Moomaw Smileys 1439 Web.JPG
Moomaw Smileys 1447 Web.JPG
Moomaw Smileys 1447 Web.JPG
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