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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> Assorted silliness, ramblings and general drivel >> I only laugh at my own jokes if I haven't heard them before > baby blue tits.
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baby blue tits.

I didn't use telephoto to get this, they were so tame I just walked right up to them!
This is the only tits and arse shot on this site.

other sizes: small medium large auto
rocky13-May-2011 16:19
Lovely tits and you are of course a maniac. :) =V=
JW21-Dec-2007 22:36
There is a chance you thought of the title first then went out to find the picture! LOL!
Guest 18-Aug-2007 00:28
Fat balls too ! ;-)
Guest 29-Nov-2006 03:10
Sweet capture!
Sharon 03-Oct-2006 20:57
Nice shot did they leave sattisfied & more important did they leave a tip!
Greg Harp26-Sep-2006 04:25
:) Terrific capture.
Naomi 23-Mar-2006 20:47
The title would indicate they are a bit chilled.
Buz Kiefer06-Feb-2006 17:56
Good shot and clever line.
Sheila14-Oct-2005 04:10
Aren't they lovely!
I like your comment too :-)
laine8216-Aug-2005 20:25
They look happy with their free lunch.
James Ross04-May-2005 22:55
Nice one!!
Guest 03-Apr-2005 15:17
And nice tits they are. You're a very sick man, Johnnyjag! I like it, lol. Welcome to Pbase!
Guest 09-Mar-2005 19:56
Nice shot, nice comment :-)
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