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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> All my Picture A Day Galleries >> 2017: My own private Weardale > Rose and Honeysuckle
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Rose and Honeysuckle

Canon EOS 650D,Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM
1/400s f/7.1 at 131.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Graeme01-Jul-2017 22:22
Absolutely stunning with amazing colours and clarity.BV!!
Patricia Kay30-Jun-2017 14:25
So beautiful and fragrant....BV
Chris30-Jun-2017 12:17
I imagine the perfume is exquisite, love image for both.
Buz Kiefer29-Jun-2017 20:05
Lovely, and against that blue sky, the colors really take off. Vote.
Tom LeRoy29-Jun-2017 12:46
A fine and colorful Summer mix. V
Faye White29-Jun-2017 10:08
Ahhhhh, honeysuckle! Love the scent.
laine29-Jun-2017 03:39
A perfect match...beautifully captured, Johnnie.
Colin Storey28-Jun-2017 18:43
Lovely light and details.
Yvonne28-Jun-2017 11:04
What a beautiful combination John!
Dennis Hoyne28-Jun-2017 02:14
A fantastic image of these two sweet beauty intertwined. A neat find and beautifully photographed. V.
janescottcumming27-Jun-2017 23:36
How pretty and I'll bet it smells lovely!
Nirvan Hope27-Jun-2017 23:22
A glorious pairing of roses and honeysuckle. So cheerful and bright.
chris morton27-Jun-2017 20:13
a very joyful combination
Martin Lamoon27-Jun-2017 19:55
A fine combination.
Phillip Normanton27-Jun-2017 19:39
Bit of competition there I think!
Ton T.27-Jun-2017 19:39
Superb combination and a perfect shot of it V
globalgadabout27-Jun-2017 19:26
a bounteous bouquet of summer treasures...they make a gorgeous combination....excellent comp John..
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