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Ozzy loves tall grass

I’ll see you in the sky above
In the tall grass, in the ones I love
You're gonna make me lonesome when you go

Bob Dylan

Canon EOS 650D,Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM
1/250s f/9.0 at 163.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer18-Jul-2017 21:06
Very nice photo of Ozzy enjoying himself and a beautiful stanza from Dylan. V
Graeme01-Jul-2017 22:23
Great capture of Ozzy! V
Chris30-Jun-2017 18:43
Fun in the sun, gambolling in the grasses.
Imagine it's fun getting the seeds from his coat!
larose forest photos28-Jun-2017 02:41
He is so beautiful and looks so happy. The words are a bit sad though. V
LynnH27-Jun-2017 01:32
I can only imagine his view through the tall grass. He's almost hidden. Love the color tones throughout the frame. V
janescottcumming27-Jun-2017 00:44
They love to run through the tall grasses...I think it tickles their tummies!
Faye White26-Jun-2017 11:04
Sad words, but a happy Ozzy photo!
Yvonne26-Jun-2017 10:35
Sad words but true..
Bill Miller26-Jun-2017 10:13
I hope he doesn't get hay fever...
Nirvan Hope26-Jun-2017 04:43
Such summer fun for him to ramble through this tall grass. I wonder what he sees in there.
Dennis Hoyne26-Jun-2017 02:17
Ozzy is quite a pretty boy! I love the Dylan quote. V.
globalgadabout25-Jun-2017 21:01
delightful image...tall grass is so enjoyable to quote from Dylan too..
Stephanie25-Jun-2017 20:58
Ozzy ~ another one of Pbase's finest doggies!
laine25-Jun-2017 20:24
He loves a game of hide and seek I think :)
Martin Lamoon25-Jun-2017 20:04
Ozzy blends in well!
Chris Morton25-Jun-2017 19:38
just as well by the look of it; maybe more smaller creatures to chase
Phillip Normanton25-Jun-2017 18:56
That must tickle his nose - I know it tickles mine!
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