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26-MAY-2007 Johnutty MacChuckles O'Lunawacko

Candle of Life...

Fall Freedom Forever Fun Forest

Carry your scars with pride
Always know you never walk alone
Never allow perps to control you
Dance in public whenever you want
Live~~~love~~~laugh with meaning
Enter mysterious pathways smiling

: > ) : > ) : > ) : > ) : > ) : > )

Offer positive energy anytime you can
Free yourself from all life chains

: > ) : > ) : > ) : >) : > ) : > )

Leap onto Cloud 17 with me anytime
Irish shamrock power is a radical reality
Fantastic vibes are within reach at all times
Escape whenever and however you want

: > ) : > ) : > ) : > ) : > ) : > )

"17" prancing promises :):):)

DREAM~~~DARE~~~DIVE!!! :):):)

Canon PowerShot SD110
1/60s f/7.1 at 5.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography04-Jun-2007 21:10
I am with you on this clouds.
a victim of this plague 31-May-2007 12:04
I light a candle for you today
Martha Albuquerque27-May-2007 23:38
yes, Johnutty, let's meet at cloud 17 where there is no more fear..

a magic end of sunday and new week to you,
great art and way to express your soul and heart..

love you,
tinkerbell tita:*
Guest 27-May-2007 21:50
Another thoughtful image,John - cloud 17 sounds a gret place to be!
susan hiatt27-May-2007 12:22
YOU are always beautiful! IN your sharing you bring hope and daring! Someday I will find Cloud 17.
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