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John Farrar | all galleries >> Galleries >> Peggy's Gallery - a little black greyhound's journey into the great wide open > Peggy at Roadford Lake DSC_0273.jpg
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Peggy at Roadford Lake DSC_0273.jpg

Well... as you can see it's mostly healed up now but, much to her annoyance,
she's still on the long leash because when she ran and turned too hard
the other day there was a bit of a limp and her foot didn't appear to go
back straight quick enough. Walking and trotting is fine, so is running in
a straight line, but this is a Greyhound who won't 'listen' and does zoomies
as a preferred mode of locomotion. I'll walk more and jog more with
her for a while to help firm it back up.

Sony Ericsson LT15i
1/320s f/2.4 at 4.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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