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John Ewing | all galleries >> Galleries >> INBOX > PC040164_2web.jpg
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Test shot w. Soligor. Shame about blowout on paper-knife, otherwise pleasing.

Olympus PEN E-P3 ,Soligor 24-45mm OM (~1984)
1/60s f/8 iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Laura Milholland07-Jan-2013 20:15
Nice sharpness throughout, John. Gonna be fun to have all your lenses to use again.
Steve Thuman05-Jan-2013 03:22
Looks like there's a tiny little space to put more stuff right there next to the dog card. The camera sure did a nice job!
Jack Hoying05-Jan-2013 02:26
It sure looks like a nice combo.
Paul Milholland05-Jan-2013 00:55
Looks pretty darn good, John. The Soligor name is one I haven't heard for quite a while.
Ed Duverger04-Jan-2013 14:27
Great result.
John Ewing04-Jan-2013 13:17
Another nice thing is that these are FX lenses, so corner fall-off is minimal.
fotabug04-Jan-2013 13:12
Yes, it is a pleasing imae, John!