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John Cooper | profile | all galleries >> All along the River Thames >> Flooded Roads tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Flooded Roads

There are certain places along the upper reaches of the Thames which flood on a regular basis. The local councils put up dozens of signs warning motorists not to park as the road is liable to flood. Without fail, on every high tide some cars will go under. A car that has been fully submerged will never be the same, some are write offs.
I do not understand people who park cars here and go away for many hours
I do not understand people who park cars here and go away for many hours
There is still a lot of water in the car.
There is still a lot of water in the car.
I am parked in River Lane.
I am parked in River Lane.
Dont make waves.
Dont make waves.
Not much traffic along here.
Not much traffic along here.
Bow wave.
Bow wave.
E Type Jag sees a flooded road and reverses away fast.
E Type Jag sees a flooded road and reverses away fast.
Hope all those parked cars have shut their windows.
Hope all those parked cars have shut their windows.
Not so smart parking there.
Not so smart parking there.
Seen it all before.
Seen it all before.
Not really flooded, just a bit wet.
Not really flooded, just a bit wet.
Rough seas today.
Rough seas today.
Stay in the centre of the road.
Stay in the centre of the road.
The foot of Twickenham railway bridge.
The foot of Twickenham railway bridge.
View from Twickenham road bridge.
View from Twickenham road bridge.
Very shallow here.
Very shallow here.
Now thats just being silly.
Now thats just being silly.
High tide at Putney, again.
High tide at Putney, again.
Embankment, Putney, 1976
Embankment, Putney, 1976
This one got it out just in time.
This one got it out just in time.
Luckily this one filled up with water.
Luckily this one filled up with water.
This one made it out.
This one made it out.
Embankment, Putney, 1976
Embankment, Putney, 1976
Flood level sign, river level in photo is at the top of a spring high tide.
Flood level sign, river level in photo is at the top of a spring high tide.
Nothing stops a dedicated cyclist.
Nothing stops a dedicated cyclist.
Wet feet time again.
Wet feet time again.
Oh lucky man.
Oh lucky man.
High tide again.
High tide again.
Ranelagh Drive
Ranelagh Drive
Fastest driver today.
Fastest driver today.
I wonder what that sign says.
I wonder what that sign says.
Underneath the arches.
Underneath the arches.
Backing out.
Backing out.
Some quite nice cars are getting flooded.
Some quite nice cars are getting flooded.
View down from Twickenham Bridge
View down from Twickenham Bridge
Pathfinder ?.
Pathfinder ?.
Boy Scouts motto Be Prepared.
Boy Scouts motto "Be Prepared".
Higher flood than normal.
Higher flood than normal.
Tide stopped here.
Tide stopped here.
The whole length of Ranelagh Drive
The whole length of Ranelagh Drive
This is like parking in a lake.
This is like parking in a lake.