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John Cooper | profile | all galleries >> All along the River Thames >> Albert Bridge tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Albert Bridge

The bridge is being refurbished.
The bridge is being refurbished.
Albert Bridge from Battersea Bridge.
Albert Bridge from Battersea Bridge.
This sign used to apply, now it is for tourists.
This sign used to apply, now it is for tourists.
Albert Bridge built 1874.
Albert Bridge built 1874.
South end of bridge.
South end of bridge.
View from Battersea Park.
View from Battersea Park.
New centre support.
New centre support.
Looking across from south side.
Looking across from south side.
Looking north.
Looking north.
Battersea Park reach.
Battersea Park reach.
From the south end.
From the south end.
Looks a lot different  close up.
Looks a lot different close up.
The top of the bridge.
The top of the bridge.
Looking down to north end.
Looking down to north end.
Albert Bridge north end.
Albert Bridge north end.
Albert Bridge, north end.
Albert Bridge, north end.