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Jeff Kohn | profile | all galleries >> Places >> Around Texas >> Hill Country Autumn Colors >> Frio River, 2008 - Color tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Frio River, 2008 - Color

First Light, Frio River
First Light, Frio River
Cypress Trees and River Bank #1
Cypress Trees and River Bank #1
Cypress Trees and Stump, Frio River
Cypress Trees and Stump, Frio River
Cypress Roots
Cypress Roots
Cypress Roots and River Reflection
Cypress Roots and River Reflection
Cypress Trees and River Bank #2
Cypress Trees and River Bank #2
Cypress Trees and River Bank #3
Cypress Trees and River Bank #3
Cypress and Moon
Cypress and Moon
Backlit Cypress
Backlit Cypress
Morning Light, Frio River
Morning Light, Frio River
Cypress Trees and Reflections
Cypress Trees and Reflections
Frio River Valley
Frio River Valley
Trees and Cliff
Trees and Cliff