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Jim Worlding's Recent Galleries

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26-Nov-2020 15:48
gallery: HMS DEVONSHIRE D02.
08-Apr-2019 16:58
Cherry Shrimp,  (neocaridina), Rabbit Snails and friends
gallery: Cherry Shrimp, (neocaridina), Rabbit Snails and friends
01-Jan-2019 09:26
HMS GANGES and Shotley Gate
gallery: HMS GANGES and Shotley Gate
05-Nov-2018 20:34
Godmanchester Remembers
gallery: Godmanchester Remembers
05-Sep-2015 15:39
HMS Chichester (F59) 1969 - 1971
gallery: HMS Chichester (F59) 1969 - 1971
10-Aug-2015 22:01
HMS Ganges revisited 6th June 2015
gallery: HMS Ganges revisited 6th June 2015
03-Jun-2015 09:55
gallery: garden
27-Jun-2014 11:41
A pad a day keeps the Dr. away......well it may help
gallery: A pad a day keeps the Dr. away......well it may help
20-May-2014 11:53
We miss so much
gallery: We miss so much
08-Jul-2012 09:22
Olympic Flame in Huntingdon
gallery: Olympic Flame in Huntingdon
05-Mar-2012 09:22
Gone Fishing
gallery: Gone Fishing
25-Sep-2011 12:05
Just Padding along
gallery: Just Padding along