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Charles W Huff 22-Aug-2012 09:52
So thankful getting back for viewing... You still such an inspiration to the ARTS..
David Alaniz 21-Jul-2010 01:31
I came by to take a look and what I found was pretty darn good! Your photo's are beautiful.
George Minchew 22-Aug-2009 20:48
Hello Jill, I enjoyed your photographs very much. I have had a life-long "obsession" with photography, which started as an annual staff photographer at Richfield for Class of 70. Excellent photography!
Charles W Huff 25-Nov-2007 22:31
I have enjoyed your photos so much, Thanks for sharing so much of you hard work. I truely beleave that you are truely one fantastic artist behind the lens.
Charles W Huff 25-Nov-2007 22:30
I have enjoyed your photos so much, Yhanks for sharing so much of you hard work. I truely beleave that you are truely one fantastic artist behind the lens.
Guest 01-Apr-2007 23:07
Nice Gallery
Don Swift 14-Nov-2005 16:16
Really enjoyed your beautiful pictures. Don