IMG_0274Gilbert Peak.JPG |
IMG_0275Yellow pine chipmunk.JPG |
IMG_0279Surprise Lake Gilbert Peak.JPG |
IMG_0281Yakima Nation Sign.JPG |
IMG_0283Surprise Lake.JPG |
IMG_0288 Purplish fritillary, Boloria montinus, or Boloria chariclea montinus |
IMG_0292Purplish fritillary, Boloria montinus |
IMG_0293Boloria montinus Purplish Fritillary.JPG |
IMG_0304Bistort Polygonum bistortoides.JPG |
IMG_0305Bistort Polygonum bistortoides .JPG |
Img_0307.jpgHeadater stream contributes to South Fork Tieton River |
IMG_0308Water eroded sand.JPG |
IMG_0310Creek_1.JPG |
IMG_0313Evening sky.JPG |
IMG_0314_1Design in snow.jpg |
IMG_0316mountain arnica Arnica latifolia.JPG |
IMG_0318Evening reflection.JPG |
IMG_0319Alpine lake reflection.JPG |
IMG_0320Lake reflection.JPG |
IMG_0321Lake reflection.JPG |
IMG_0323 Goat Rocks Wilderness.JPG |
IMG_0324Goat Rocks landscape.JPG |
IMG_0325Goat Rocks landscape .JPG |
IMG_0326Goat Rocks meadow.JPG |
IMG_0327Goat Rocks landscape.JPG |
IMG_0328double falls.JPG |
IMG_0330Cascading creek.JPG |
IMG_0331Cascade.JPG |
IMG_0332falls.JPG |
IMG_0334Cascading water.JPG |
IMG_0337Meadow and Mead Glacier.JPG |
IMG_0339Burrows created by pocket gophers.JPG |
IMG_0340Creek and meadow.JPG |
IMG_0342moss lined creek.JPG |
IMG_0343waterfall and creek.JPG |
IMG_0344Conrad Creek double falls.JPG |
IMG_0347Young water ouzel.JPG |
IMG_0351 Alpine collomia, collomia debilis .JPG |
IMG_0354 Conrad Creek.JPG |
IMG_0356Arnica sp.JPG |
IMG_0357Conrad Creek snow bridge.JPG |
IMG_0358Conrad Creek snowbridge and waterfalls.JPG |
IMG_0359Snowbridge.JPG |
IMG_0360Cottongrass, Eriophorum sp. in marsh.JPG |
Img_0362.jpg |
IMG_0363Silverleaf phacelia, Phacelia hastata .JPG |
Img_0368.jpg |
Img_0369.jpg |
Img_0370.jpg |
IMG_0371Conrad Glacier.JPG |
IMG_0372Pussypaws, Calyptridium umbellatum.JPG |
IMG_0373Mossy seep.JPG |
IMG_0374Tolmies saxifrage Saxifrage tolmiei .JPG |
IMG_0376 glacial lake below Conrad Glacier.JPG |
IMG_0378Lake below Conrad Glacier.JPG |
IMG_0380Seep monkey flower Mimulus guttatus sp.JPG |
Img_0381.jpg |
IMG_0383Conrad Glacier, unnamed lake and Goat Rocks.JPG |
IMG_0384Conrad Glacier.JPG |
IMG_0385Uppermost of two Unnamed Lks.JPG |
IMG_0386Mountain bog gentian, Gentiana calycosa.JPG |
IMG_0388Pond near Conrad Creek.JPG |
IMG_0389Pond near Conrad Creek.JPG |
IMG_0390Golden fleabane Erigeron aureus .JPG |
IMG_0391Cinuefoil Potentilla sp.JPG |
IMG_0393Cinuefoil Potentilla sp.JPG |
IMG_0394Devils horns.JPG |
IMG_0396Hoary marmot.JPG |
IMG_0399A variety of alpine daisy.JPG |
IMG_0400Alpine fir trees.JPG |
IMG_0404Silver-boardered fritillary Bolaria selene.JPG |
IMG_0406Seep monkey flower Mimulus guttatus sp. .JPG |
IMG_0407Willow.JPG |
IMG_0409Marsh marigold Caltha leptosepala.JPG |
silvered pine treeIMG_0401.JPG |
IMG_0335Wildflowers Grays lovage lupine arnica.JPG |
IMG_0336Wildflowers paintbrush asters.JPG |
IMG_0345Conrad Cr falls.JPG |
IMG_0348Conrad Cr falls.JPG |
IMG_0350Conrad Cr falls.JPG |
IMG_0355 Woolly sunflower. Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium.JPG |
IMG_0410Small-flowered penstemon Penstemon procerus .JPG |
IMG_0411Bracted Lousewort Pedicularis bracteosa.JPG |
IMG_0412Elk near Conrad Creek.JPG |
IMG_0413Gilbert Peak.JPG |
IMG_0414 Conrad glacier.JPG |
IMG_0416Goat Rocks.JPG |
IMG_0418Clouds at sunset.JPG |
IMG_041Gilbert Peak5.JPG |
IMG_0419Gilbert Peak at sunrise.JPG |
IMG_0421Goat Rocks at sunrise.JPG |
IMG_0422Anemone .JPG |
IMG_0423Gilbert Peak Conrad Glacier and Lake .JPG |
Img_0424.jpg |
Img_0425.jpg |
Img_0426.jpg |
IMG_0427Ives Peak Ives glacier McCall glacier Old Snowy Mtn.JPG |
Mt Rainier from near Tieton Peak |
IMG_0432Ridge west of Tieton Peak.JPG |
IMG_0433Goat Citadel Little Horn Big Horn and Tieton Glacier.JPG |
IMG_0435Tieton glacier .JPG |
IMG_0436Unnamed lake at base of Conrad glacier.JPG |
IMG_0438Dwarf hulsea Hulsea nana.JPG |
IMG_0439Headwaters Conrad Creek.JPG |
IMG_0440Lake at base of Conrad Glacier.JPG |
IMG_0442Conrad glacier.JPG |
IMG_0443Alluvial fan below Conrad glacier.JPG |
Img_0444.jpg |
IMG_0446Yarrow Achillea millifolium.JPG |
IMG_0447Pale agoseris Agoseris glauca.JPG |
IMG_0453Silver-bordered fritillary Boloria selene.JPG |
IMG_0455Silver-bordered fritillary Boloria selene.JPG |
IMG_0459Silver-bordered fritillary Boloria selene.JPG |
IMG_0460Alpine aster Aster alpigenus.JPG |
IMG_0462Ediths checkerspot butterfly on mountain arnica .JPG |
IMG_0463Ediths checkerspot on mountain arnica.JPG |
IMG_0469Mountain arnica .JPG |
Img_0470.jpg |
IMG_0471Gilbert Peak .JPG |
Img_0472.jpg |
Img_0473.jpg |
IMG_0474Alluvial fan below Conrad Glacier .JPG |
Img_0475.jpg |
IMG_0477Pearly everlasting Anaphalis margaritacea .JPG |
IMG_0479Elk wallowing .JPG |
IMG_0484Elk Goat Rocks Wilderness .JPG |
IMG_0489Devils Horns.JPG |
Img_0490.jpg |
IMG_0491Devils Horns.JPG |
Img_0493.jpg |
IMG_0494Devils Horns.JPG |
IMG_0495Devils Horns.JPG |
Img_0496.jpg |
IMG_0500Young hoary marmots.JPG |
IMG_0506Young hoary Marmot.JPG |
Img_0514.jpgGoat Rocks Wilderness sunset |
IMG_0516Goat Rocks sunset.JPG |
Ives Peak and Ives Glacier IMG_0434.JPG |
Ives Peak, Old Snowy Mtn IMG_0441.JPG |
lIMG_0428Goat Citadel.JPG |